Electric Five bar gates or “barred gates” are fundamentally a gate that has bars running horizontally between two gate styles. They come in all types of designs and sizes. Ideal for spanning wide driveways and automated entrances. A varied combination of rails can be used from round steel bar to round machined hardwood bars. There can be any quantity from the traditional five bars up to eight or ten bars. You have to consider the surrounding location, the function and the overall requirement of your gates. If there are animals that need to be kept in or out then pales on the bottom may be required just to add that animal proofing to area of the gate that an animal may try to get through. Or you may want to bunch the rails up tightly at the bottom of the gate then spread them towards to top. This would give a similar stock proofing as the pales, but with a different design aspect. The bottom rail on five bar gates must be the same thickness as the top rail. This is often not the case with cheaper made gates. The need for a solid thick bottom rail is twofold! The first reason is to get the gate behaving equally. The top and bottom rail will expand and contract at different rates along the length of the gate itself. So, if there is a different section size between these two rails it encourages gates to twist at the centre. You must have seen this with many barred styles. Having the two rails the same thick solid section will minimise this happening. The second reason is when the gates are automated the power is often put thought the bottom of the gate especially with below ground operators. Having a larger thick bottom rail say ex five by three inches will greatly improve these two areas.
When hanging your five bars just remember to use good size hardwood or steel posts with quality adjustable hinges. Take time to look at our other pages on this site to read about these areas.
Client Feedback
All Gates are built for Automation at heart.

Newmarket Five Bar with Crook
Traditional Five Bar gates are the most popular of the barred style we do. Been around for hundreds of years up and down the country in slight variations. The Newmarket Five as all barred gates can span up to 20ft as a pair. Ideal for the entrance of rural location and small holdings.

Paled Newmarket Five Bar with Crook
Fundamentally the same as a Newmarket five bar except it has pales on one side. Perfect for pet proofing the gaps often associated with five bar gates. You will need to increase the size of your posts to accommodate.

Peak Barred Gates
The Peak Five bar is the most often changed in design. Five, six. or seven bars are fitted to increase height and functionality.

Diamond Pattern Five Bar
A calmer more subdued approach to the five bar family. Timeless classic that can be used as a stock gate for family pets or simply making a boundary statement of your property.

Be-spoke Barred Gates
As with all our gates there can be many versions of a similar theme. Its our job to take a style that you like and try and make it suit your requirements. Endless variations are possible with a little imagination and many years of gate manufacturing skill at your finger tips.